Slow cooker peanut butter chicken

Healthy french toast

Chocolate covered peanut butter dates

Why I don’t believe in new years resolutions

The start of the year always seems like a good time to start implementing new and healthier habits. Unfortunately, the statistics of those that keep their ‘New Year resolutions’ are pretty poor. I am not a fan of making New Year resolutions, simply because society tells us that the odds are stacked against us to […]
Healthy Pancakes

Egg Salad

My retirement from professional football

Thank you to all my family, fans and friends for supporting me to fulfill my dream of becoming a professional footballer.
Fuelling for elite performance

Getting the balance of food right before a sporting event is essential in order to reach peak performance. Every individual is different and requires different fuel. Some of the things that should be taken into consideration when fuelling;• Individuals weight• Height• Event/sport being played• Duration of the session• Goal• Hydration requirements For example I weigh […]
Red Thai chicken and halloumi curry

This Red Thai chicken and halloumi curry will go down well with the whole family.